What is new in the SNIP 2_01_00 release [released March 30th 2018]
This is the next release of SNIP following the Rev 2_00_00 release of March 13th. It is a routine service release.
It contains a number of improvements stemming from user feedback on the 2_00 release. This release supports for both 32-bit and 64-bit installations in Windows. It is recommended that all Windows 32/64 SNIP installations now update to using this release. A similar 64-bit Ubuntu release with identical features should be released a few days, pending further testing of the installer process.
Notable changes in this release include:
- This release corrected a minor memory leak which could be noticed after tens of thousands of ill-formed PUSH-In connections had occurred.
- Using the web-based knowledge base from within SNIP (the small green “i” buttons found on dialogs) now uses a cookie to allow you to personalize the pages and will provide specific feedback suitable for your model of SNIP.
- Ubuntu process listing corrected to detect multiple copies running.
- Stream up-time percentage logic has been corrected to removed math errors after 24+ hours of run time.
- Sluggish console updates on very busy Casters corrected in update thread.
- Certain perverse connections where the same IP is both creating (PUSH-In) and consuming (as a Client) several data streams in multiple ways was correctly handled but not correctly reported in some reports (impacted some research teams using SNIP).
- Corrected an issue with NEAR stream user connections where ill-formed Clients who also sent NMEA $GGA strings were not disconnected quickly.
- Corrected an outdated tool-tip in the Raw TCP/IP streams indicating that only one such stream was allowed for use at a time.
- Corrected the report style used for NEAR user reports to match the style used by others.
- Added new “helper” right click button for stream to point user to setup instructions.
- Multiple GUI style issues addressed in Ubuntu edition to better match overall Windows test sizing.
- Original email server elements (present since rev 1.0) have been removed and will be replaced by a php system to allow mail to the registered clients (Pro feature only).
Outstanding issues known at this time:
- The Qt “Web Engine” now used in Rev 2.xx is less responsive than the older method. [Qt discontinued support forcing developers to migrate to the all-purpose Web Engine, which is how SNIP manages the various google maps it uses] We are investigating this further, but large maps (showing many hundreds of GNSS Base Stations and users) are quite slow and this will be corrected.
- The multiple FTP file upload function present all editions of SNIP (windows and Ubuntu regardless of model) may be be issued for Ubuntu due to issues with porting that part of the code base.
- Users have asked that the tool-tip summary of each base station detail be available over the web interface. This was already on the road map but will be pushed ahead and initially be enabled on a per-systems basic (rather then per-stream which will be developed thereafter).
Please tell us how you use SNIP and how we can make it better. Feel free to use the free text areas in the survey below to tell us anything else you think we should know.
Please help with this feedback survey
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SNIP is an NTRIP Caster. You can also use SNIP as an NTRIP Server with your existing GNSS devices. Many deployments use a single paid copy of SNIP (Basic or Pro) in conjuration with multiple copies of SNIP Lite to setup their networks. This configuration is very cost effective when the GNSS device vendor charges for providing an NTRIP Server option.
If you are seeking for an NTRIP Client, try one of the products mentioned here or here.
You can always obtain the most current release of SNIP here.