Caster Entry Auto Complete

When Reverse Geo IP services are active on a SNIP node, the gross location of a mountPt in a caster Table entry can be completed using the Geo IP data, if no data is provided by the data sender.  If the data sender provides this data, the provided data is always used.

The “city name” and the 3-digit ISO country code are auto completed in this way.  Because the precise city used in the data base is often the largest nearby city the term “Is near” is added to text displayed.

The resultant modified caster string can be examined with the slot’s right-click menu command Display Caster Entry.  Here is an example of this in use:

[KO_base]:   The current Caster Entry for [I5301] KO_base is:
The Modified public entry with various changes (due to current settings and analysis) is shown below it

STR;KO_base;;RTCM 3.2;1005(1),1077(1),1127(1);;GPS;SNIP;XXX;34.59;133.85;0;0;sNTRIP;none;N;N;5100;
STR;KO_base;Is near: Kita Ward, Okayama;RTCM 3.2;1005(1),1077(1),1127(1);;GPS;SNIP;JPN;34.59;133.85;1;0;sNTRIP;none;N;N;5100;

Note: Several differences found in the two strings.


The first line is the result of the SNIP auto-parse process based on the stream’s message content.  That is, this connection provided no data about itself or its contents.  The second line shows the use of the Reverse Geo IP services to add city and country details (shown in orange).

If the location of the Base Station is plotted the, precise (mm level) location found in the RTCM MT1005/1006 message is used.  Generally the Base Station location can be presumed to be very accurate, while a reverse geo location is not. In this specific case, the location given for the center of Kita Ward in Okayama Japan is about ~6km from the actual Base Station.

[The display of two Yumefarm mountPts are simply two other nearby Base Stations.]


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