Add-on Licenses

Existing Users who wish to increase their simultaneous stream limit without upgrading to the next license tier may elect to purchase an add-on license.

These licenses allow the SNIP operator to add more streams in units of 1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50 or 100 additional streams, increasing their maximum allowed simultaneous connections.

All licenses can be used in a cumulative fashion, adding to the allowed total for that copy of SNIP.

Additional Stream LicenseInfo1-Pack$250.00
Additional Stream LicenseInfo3-Pack$650.00
Additional Stream LicenseInfo5-Pack$1060.00
Additional Stream LicenseInfo10-Pack$1,800.00
Additional Stream LicenseInfo25-Pack$4,000.00
Additional Stream LicenseInfo50-Pack$8,000.00
Additional Stream LicenseInfo100-Pack$16,000.00

Note: Additional Stream licenses cannot be added to the free Lite model of SNIP.  This ability is limited to paid models (Basic, Pro and Enterprise).